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* Addendum
Yay! Received a boxfull of information from Rowan of Sherwood about
steppes peoples, who got it from someone who's a Laurel on the basis of
their research on their Sarmatian persona. Who'da thunk you could get
a Laurel for that, let alone that anyone else would ever want to be a
Sarmatian?! ;)
Box is full of several books, several xeroxes of books, and about a
foot-high pile of loose xeroxes. Fortunately these have numbers scribbled
on them which indicate which book they're from. Unfortunately I don't
have a master list and there are almost a hundred books they've culled
from. Also unfortunately some are in the Cyrillic alphabet, some in one
of the Asian languages, and some in French. Fortunately I recognize some
of the books due to already having them. I'll sort them out eventually,
and note it all down here.
Books list
This will take a while, but no time like the present. First a list of the
books I know of. I'll match books to numbers once I figure them out.
The Sarmatians by T. Sulimirski
The Sarmatians 600BC - AD450 by R. Brzezinski &
M. Mielczarek (Osprey Publishing)
The Scythians 700 - 300BC by Dr. E. V. Cernenko (Osprey
Mounted Archers of the Steppe 600BC - AD1300 by Antony
Karasulas (Osprey Publishing)
The Ancient Civilization of Southern Siberia: An Archaeological
Adventure by Mikhail P. Gryaznov
Art of the Steppes by Karl Jettmar
Scythian Gold by Ellen D. Reeder (Walters Art Gallery /
The San Antonio Museum of Art)
The Land and Wildlife of Eurasia by François
Bourlière & the Editors of LIFE (Life Nature Library)
From the Lands of the Scythians: Ancient Treasures from the
Museums of the U.S.S.R. 3000BC - 100BC by The Metropolitan Museum
of Art / The Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Frozen Tombs of Siberia: the Pazyryk Burials of Iron Age
Horsemen by Sergei I. Rudenko (translated, xerox)
The Deer Goddess of Ancient Siberia: A Study in the Ecology
of Belief by Esther Jacobson (from: Studies in the History of
Religions vol. LV, xerox)
The Scythians by Tamara Talbot Rice (from Ancient
Peoples & Places, xerox)
also have a xerox of Sulimirski's The Sarmatians
if anyone wants it.
Xeroxed bits of books
Most of these are numbered for reference (as mentioned above) and
are just a few pages; some are not. As I discover the titles I'll add
them to the above list. Information will be seeded in to where it works
best. Should I start a cross-linking database sometime for this?
Stuff on the steppes folk
title unknown by the pi Russian author
- Cyrillic; author's name looks vaguely like the Greek symbol
for pi, followed by "au(squiggle)m(with an overbar)reuka." One
page of photos of decorated beads, and several pages of beautiful
drawings of all elk patterned grave goods (pgs 197 - 203). Also
two pages of text which I think give information on the little
drawings. Ask Rimma's family for translation, maybe?
title unknown by Penusuozhgie (horrible approximation
of Cyrillic alphabet)
- Pretty sure this is Scythian (at least) stuff.
Photo of what looks like a curving wall pediment or bowl
with a seated, veiled lady holding a small vessel. Tree on left,
horse skull (?) on stick on right. Mounted bearded male rider
approaches on right, holding a rhyton (?) aloft in greeting (?).
Pg. 42: a staff top for a big stick -- it spreads
out into 4 branches with dangling chains and bells on the end
of the chains. The branches and central spike have animals all
over them.
Pg. 99: three little plaques of veiled, seated women
with supplicants (?). All the plaques seem pretty small. Are
two of the women holding mirrors? Goddesses, seers?
Pg. 117: open-work gold (?) decoration in half-oval
shape, with band of more decorative work below. Was this sewn
onto clothing? The half-oval could have been on the front of a
hat perhaps? It shows a deer, a tree, a falcon near the ground,
and a hunting rider with gorytus and brandishing a bow -- could
be female. Lots of twisty ornate details.
title unknown by Rostov
- Plate XXVIII: Wall paintings in two graves at Kerch: 1
- 11 C AD. Darned if the top wall painting (now destroyed,
according to the text) doesn't look like riders returning to a
ger, complete with gorytus hanging in a tree on the left, and a
big throne-like chair (or something big framed by two uprights
and a crossbar at the top) on the right of the ger!
Possible titles are what I find on pages, and it's my guess they're
really chapter titles, not book titles. Still, every bit of data helps in
tracking the books down.
Tacitus - Annals (Penguin Classics)
- A list of Roman emperors, some Eastern monarchs, key to place-names,
and a map
title unknown by "Charriere"
- Two xeroxes of single stone statues of women; one shows "pg. 184."
Handwritten notes: "Petcheneg / stone - on mounds ... 12th C / N. Black
Sea Coast" and the other: "stone - woman w/vessel / 10th C AD Volga
Possible title: The Later Roman Empire by A. Marcellinus
- Xerox of a map of "The Danube, Italy, and Thrace," pgs. 502
- 503
Possible title: Romans on the Rhine by Mackendrick
- Xeroxed page 108; photo of a very decorated woman's shoe found in
Saalburg, from the 2nd C ADE?
Possible title: The finds from the pre-Hadrianic forts by
(possible) Vindolanda
- I'm pretty sure that's a chapter title. The xeroxes cover
photos of shoe types, textiles, writing tablets, rings, pins,
beads, and enameled bronze belt attachments found in Roman forts
of the time. Pg. 125 shows a wooden bath-house shoe, which looks
darned close to a nice Birkenstock flip-flop. ;)
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