Surahzian a'Ravi |
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Equipment wish list
Planned and already existing equipment, plus what I need to make it
- T-tunic: green and yellow, with innacurate painted sleeve
decorations -- needs muting. More decoration?
- Trousers: yellow & blue -- need muting, lengthening, then decoration
- Trousers: multiple stripes -- need lengthening, then decoration
- Outer coat: blue -- needs pattern, quilting, decorations
- Outer coat: "leather" -- needs pattern, decorations
- Boots: need a cover for Mephistos?
- Need: soft cloth inner belt?
- Need: leather belt with metal decorations
Currently I'll just use what I've got; period style jewelry (&
bronze mirror?) coming soon
- Two trenchers: need sanding, painting on back & tamga on
front, then epoxying
- Three little wooden bowls: need sanding, painting, tamga,
- Mussel shells: need some modification so they don't rock
- Need: something for light -- candle holders?
- Drinking tools: have silver goblet, need ceramic mug with
zoomorphic handle, maybe rhyton?
- Need: single edged eating dagger, probably that "inward"
curved style in copper
- Nice red tablecloth -- decorations?
- Nice ceramic jug
- Nice little wooden spoon (would like to try carving bone
someday, though)
- Basket to carry everything (is "saddlebag" more period?)
Camping gear
Currently wishful stuff:
- Incense cup/smudge bowl
- Ger
- Spear with long spearhead
- Banner pole with zoomorphic terminal
- Draco standard
Armor & Weaponry (very wishful! ;)
- Silk shirt
- Leather cuirass/padded jacket
- Lasso (probably decorative only! ;)
- Akinakes with butterfly scabbard to hang on the belt
- Bow & arrows with gorytus
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