Spring cleaning
I’m in the process of reviewing and renewing my blog, which means there are some things which aren’t working yet. Bear with me, please, as hopefully soon this will be a much nicer and easier blog to read and comment on. Cheers! :)
I’m in the process of reviewing and renewing my blog, which means there are some things which aren’t working yet. Bear with me, please, as hopefully soon this will be a much nicer and easier blog to read and comment on. Cheers! :)
As several folks know by now, I’m home again — yay! Home is wonderful; I think it’s truly where those you love are, rather than any particular geographical location. I’m writing as swiftly as I can — whilst also unpacking, relaxing, greeting old friends, and otherwise enjoying myself — since I want to get down…
I’m rambling, but I think I’ll continue to do so, as it makes writing anecdotally easier. Fair warning: I’m recapitulating my hastily scribbled notes here, so I can try to remember as much as possible. ;) The last day of the Hidden in Plain Sight: The Influence of Western Esoteric Movements on Modern Thought conference…
I had to work my way slowly through Starhawk’s The Earth Path: Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature; I find myself wishing this had been one of the first books assigned. Her description of finding a mostly-natural place for daily meditations is inspiring, especially the parts about using all one’s senses to drink…
There were a number of very nice “grace notes” in the story which I rather liked. The panel of Butterfly whispering her safeword, “Jamaica,” to the violent (and bad) dominant — after she’d killed him in self defense — was creepily elegant. I was unsurprised to see archaic crosses on his shirt, in fact; it…
Something I’d forgotten over the years: cities are NOISY! I sleep here in the hotel with earplugs on, but I can still faintly hear the roaring of engines, screaming and yelping of sirens, occasional yells and swearing and shouting, the constant low-level hum-throb of traffic… if I wake up around 4 in the morning it’s…
I was going to write in a rather scholarly mode about my visit to the Tarim mummies, but I think all my “scholarly” has been temporarily burned out of me by my intensive month or so of thesis writing. I’ll have to write about that too at some point — what a trip that was!…