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  1. LOL! I’d forgotten that — and I suspect while meeting you later, I did not realize where I’d first met you! No worries; we all live and learn. I myself have gotten far, far more easy-going nowadays, after all; I’m sure we’ve all changed. ;)

    Those were fun times. I’m quite gratified to hear so many other people remember them well too.

    A later P.S.: I read your comment to my housemates, and after they both quit laughing… hmf. ;)

    Ahem! After they both quit laughing, they agreed I hadn’t changed a bit! I might respond with a decimating verbal assault instead of a physical one, but they were sure I’d still be right there in someone’s face.

    I… am not sure what to think about this yet… :)

  2. My first exposure to the SCA was the An Croisaire demo at UF in August of 82. My friend Adam and I went to check it out(we were both Freshmen) and I was entranced. You and Polly were fighting, but your helm was hard to see through so I didn’t realize you were female. You won the fight, and for some reason shy little me called out a stupid joke we had from our D&D days, ‘big deal, you beat a woman’. Not a minute later you were in my face, helm off, asking me just what did I say about beating a woman, and would I like to come out there and see if I could beat you. I realized my foolishness, and was willing to take my well deserved lumps, but Elom stepped in saying it wasn’t legal, etc. etc. and that I should come to fighter practice a few times first. Of course now I know all I had to do was sign a waiver, but I think he was afraid you’d turn me into a tent stake…and I’m sure he was right. Later that week, at the newcomer’s revel, when you and Guthrum arrived in your royal regalia Adam poked me in the rips and whispered, “Way to go, asshole. You pissed off the princess!” Fortunately that inauspicious beginning did not presage the glorious friendship that followed.

  3. You’re so sweet, Rick — and so good for my ego! Thank you so much for your kind words. I do have to ask now, though, since my memory is failing me: why did Elom have to stop me from kicking your ass?! :)

  4. I’m grateful for old friendships renewed, and new friendships that feel old. I’m grateful for any day that I open my eyes and don’t see the inside of an aluminum lid. I’m grateful for coffee, and for living in the future where I can talk to people all over the globe while I drink my coffee. I’m grateful that we didn’t blow the planet up like everyone though we would, but I’d be even more grateful if we’d stop chipping away at it a little at a time like we’re doing now. I’m grateful that despite the many things we have I’m not all that attached to them…although I will admit that the HD TV that my friend gave me is frakking SWEET! (I gotta be a guy at some times) And even though it was alluded to a couple of sentences ago it bears repeating. I am grateful for you, Collie. While our time in each other’s physical presence was brief, your effect on me was life long. You showed me that a woman could be strong, independent, capable, and beautiful all at the same time, and that not all women were damsels in distress needing me to swoop in and rescue them. And through your words here you continue to teach me what true feminism is. Oh, and I’m also grateful that Elom didn’t let you kick my ass the first time we met. ;-)

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