Arting! :-)
Huzzah! Got my new Art! page up and pretty much rolling well. There’s a link to it up at the top of every page (between Home and About) so it’s easy to find. Check it out and let me know what you think! ;)
Huzzah! Got my new Art! page up and pretty much rolling well. There’s a link to it up at the top of every page (between Home and About) so it’s easy to find. Check it out and let me know what you think! ;)
I’m rambling, but I think I’ll continue to do so, as it makes writing anecdotally easier. Fair warning: I’m recapitulating my hastily scribbled notes here, so I can try to remember as much as possible. ;) The last day of the Hidden in Plain Sight: The Influence of Western Esoteric Movements on Modern Thought conference…
Irigaray’s fascinating work, which I reviewed yesterday, calls for a radical change in the individual’s worldview as expressed through an intersubjective spiritual caring and hospitality, but is (perhaps unfortunately) also written primarily for the academic. Intriguingly, in the same year an eminently pragmatic book was published on much the same subject, though from a far…
Try any of these books for more on this fascinating and amazing era. The Secret History of the Mongols was written a scant 20 years or so after Genghis’ death, and is startlingly realistic instead of sycophantically complimentary. The author of the other two books is eminently readable and well researched. I especially recommend the…
The decisive (and very silly) reason I decided to see “Suckerpunch” was due to the emailed comment by one of the members of the book-club I’m part of: “It has orcs! and zeppelins!” …and I amusedly thought: ‘If that’s not a ringing endorsement for a movie, I don’t know what is!’ So, going to see…
What’s gone before If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we would all be millionaires. — Abigail Van Buren Interestingly, the guy I was talking to then bitterly asked why the women weren’t more honest with the men, as well as with themselves. Now that one I could answer for him,…
I’m starting to become somewhat unhappy with a current trend I’m seeing on-line: increasingly indignant or strident calls for women to “step up” and start more enthusiastically participating in STEM (or the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)… purportedly so as to give women more of a voice in society, so as to change…