New arting! Calla lily & rose

Got another tambourine completed — this one’s just a little 6 incher. The theme seemed perfect for spring though: a calla lily on the silhouette of a rose. I’ve always loved the creamy texture of calla lilies, and wanted to try replicating, in art, that interestingly smooth crinkle effect as they curl.

Both the rose and the lily are strongly associated, through history, with the Divine Feminine. The calla lily itself also stands in as a beautiful metaphor for female genitalia, and most recently I’ve discovered the rose was considered a lovely metaphor for the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus.

This was a perfect opportunity for me to play with the design. You can see more of my designs on my Art! page. If you’d like a tambourine too, let me know! :)

6 Replies to “New arting! Calla lily & rose”

  • Of course I remember your device! I also helped paint it on your shield, and I think I still have a framed photo of us all, where you’re in armor and have the shield on your arm. Fun times! ;)

    I remember my complete startlement some two or three years after we left Florida, in fact, when a friendly local herald pointed out to me (with the “official book,” which I had no idea existed) that my device actually *had* passed! I think Guthrum’s was still being debated even then, though. Cracked me up.

  • If you remember my device(which you helped me come up with) they bounced it because it ‘had too many layers’. I never feared the College of Heralds…loathed and despised is more apt. ;-) Fortunately a Viking doesn’t need anyone’s approval.

  • Wow, that brings back memories! I remember how hard it was to get anything heraldic passed then, too — to the point that we viewed the Heraldic College with a sort of teasing “FEAR the Heraldic Inquisition!” attitude. :-D

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