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  1. Interesting you should say that about NOLA, considering what the tarot reader told me about those who come to her. I think you’ll like it! :) As I said last night to you, any city with that visible and vibrant a section of the city dedicated to the LGBT community is a winner in my book.

    Re the suggestion that there was a sort of passive-aggressive lack of assistance during Katrina: I sure hope you’re wrong. Thinking about it, though, I confess I would be unhappy but not surprised to discover you’re right.

  2. As I mentioned to you before, New Orleans is a “warm” city in a lot of places, though my own time there was very brief. It’s a city with a heart and a pulse, a beating pulse and it’s own life to it that tolerates visitors so long as they dive in and live. It and the surrounding region has a culture unique in the US, so unique that one could be forgiven for thinking that there was an passive attempt, a sin of permission rather than commission, to drown that culture, years ago. And now, few if any people realize that the effects of the hurricane and the levees breaking is still felt there.

    But New Orleans was always a weathered city, the years and the weather etched in it’s surface like the lines of a fisherman who faces the Gulf every day for all his life. It is not a kind region, not in the weather and not in the Gulf, where shipping is king and the floods are the queen, with Katrina, as they say there, having been the b*-queen of them all. Oil and detrius from the incessant flow of ships carrying the pitch-black life-blood of the oil industry sweep onto the banks, storms still rage against the remains of the levees and the stones and the streets, heat and humidity cast everything in a frightfully broiling atmosphere, frothers turn their noses up at a culture and heritage that demands life be lived, and still the city remains.

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