Arcosanti photos
More Arcosanti photos; click on the thumbnails for a larger, clearer version of each photo. Also, you can read my thoughts on Arcosanti here, for more background, and see more photos at the end of that article. Enjoy! :)
More Arcosanti photos; click on the thumbnails for a larger, clearer version of each photo. Also, you can read my thoughts on Arcosanti here, for more background, and see more photos at the end of that article. Enjoy! :)
It would make sense the society of the newly established nation-state would incorporate both its previous, ‘historical memory’ based power within itself, whether theoretical, religious, or physical, and that the struggle for power should occur between the varying discourses presented by each of these types of power. Also, by their very nature within the society…
The other day I received a reunion flyer for my old high school, Plano Senior High in Texas. I’ve just created a Facebook account to see if I could track down any of the folks I knew then. We had a huge graduating class — over 1000 — so I guessed there’d be at least…
The potential and promise of post-patriarchal spirituality is reflected in Starhawk’s 20th anniversary edition of her pivotal, bestselling, and now classic 1979 work, The Spiral Dance. Included in this version are the initial book release, the ten year anniversary notes, and an added section for the 20 year anniversary Introduction and notes. Starhawk’s original text…
Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, Book 1) Magic Burns (Kate Daniels, Book 2) Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, Book 3) As far as background characters, Crest is a good example of this issue: in the first book he’s a polite, apparently well meaning, pleasant seeming man who is romantically interested in the protagonist. He goes out of…
I recently had something startlingly nice happen to me! There’s a professor I had in the past who’s a noted and accomplished author. She’s got enough prose and literature out that I always found her somewhat… not quite intimidating to talk to, but not easy to chat with. It’s not her fault at all, of…
Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language Among the Western Apache A sense of history is given by the Apache location stories. The stories relate the past, but are usually told in the present tense. Quotations are frequently used, to invoke a sense of current presence, and the language is concise and avoids redundancy. The…
My high school in Plano, TX was of a similar vintage. It, at least, was of a softer brownish-tan colored stone, with a nubbly texture. However, my father laughingly referred to it once as a prison as well, and not without reason, since it also had that look.
I think the amphitheatre is usually used during the twilight and evening, though I could be wrong. There were some beautiful and dramatic photos, frex, of it in use with fire and lights to accentuate the performances.
Re the photo choices: thanks! I was quite ruthless in picking only what came out all right and wasn’t too repetitive. My camera, while excellent, did occasionally have trouble with me being such a newbie, after all. Also, I was more than once shooting effectively blind, due to the enormous amount of sun reflection. :)
I love the use of the curves; it really does help soften the look of the hard concrete. In Seattle, North Seattle Community College is a big concrete building of about the same vintage. It’s a giant, flat box. It’s ugly, and often called “North Seattle Community Prison” because it looks so bleak and grey. It’s a practical, effective, modular, expandable building… but it has no life, and no sense of style at all.
The amphitheater looks hot. Needs shade.
Of course they’re careful pouring molten metal; people die if you’re not. There’s an enormous amount of energy there, and if it gets wet or cold it can explode everywhere.
Good photo choices!