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  1. Hm… reading your links, it looks like the sakaki gets rather tall for our yard, and wants moist, well-drained soil — which we don’t really have much of. We might want to try camellia instead? Let me check and see if it’s friendly to the local wildlife first, though, please.

    Thanks for the links! :)

  2. That’s because I spelled it wrong. It’s really sakaki, and is the plant usually used in Shinto. It’s not native; it’s Japanese. According to the gardening site I looked at, it should grow in our climate.


    According to this nursery, it should manage here:

    In Seattle they use camellia which is related but can handle a little freezing weather. would also be close enough, and it’s the bush tea is made from; we could dry leaves and make our own tea.

  3. Oh, sure, I’m aware the changes have to stay. Frankly, I’d like to see more bat- and bird-houses up in suburbia. I have no plans to cut down the jade plant, since it makes for great cover. Umm… what’s a salaki bush? Is it native? Google does not seem to recognize it? :)

  4. I think we both just wanted to make sure you knew that any changes you make to the yard technically belong to the landlord. People don’t know.

    Some changes, obviously, stay when you leave but others are less obvious. Anything affixed to the building, for instance, should stay.

    Anyway, attention to the yard will be nice. I hope the giant jade plant manages to stay, too, or I’ll have to do something else about greens for the kamidana.

    I wonder if I could get a real salaki bush to grow.

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