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  1. Yep — pegged it in one. That’s part of why I lost interest in programming: the professor listened only to the little group of young white men who sat in the second row and shouted out answers over everyone else, before anyone else could either give a thoughtful reply or ask for clarification.

  2. There is that, yes. The tech boom of a decade ago resulted in a lot of burned out people. I wonder what would have happened if the SC Valley libertarian mentality could have been ever-so-briefly put to the side to see IT workers unionize from the start. That’s impossible now, of course.

    There was a time, though, when a lot of managers — if they even thought of it — would scratch their heads wondering how to get more women involved. The answer to their question was really patently obvious: The IT industry has a marked history of sexism and misogyny that it still hasn’t shed.

  3. Yes, funny how more money leads to a rush of men to crowd out the women! That happened in the film industry too, as I recall. From what I’ve read about programming today, however, the problem is less getting women to join the profession — and more how to get *anyone* to join. It apparently got a rep for appalling hours and crippling deadlines, which means fewer are interested.

  4. On the topic of cheerleading, it’s interesting to point out that being a ‘computer’ — that is, programming a computer! — was once considered fit only for women. Seriously, you look at all the big room-sized computer installations, and all the programmers were female. It was considered not rigorous enough for MEN to do.

    Programming hasn’t changed that much in 50 years. What has changed is the pay. Once it became more profitable to be a skilled programmer, guess what happened to the gender ratio in that profession….

    Now it’s difficult enough to get women interested in technical fields like… well, anything to do with computers, because *everyone* is bombarded with the notion that women don’t have the brain to be ‘technical.’

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