Shut up and blog with me! ;)

This is just going to be various fun/silly things in my life currently — sometimes I need to simply not think about dissertation stuff. So! For a celebratory late Valentine’s with friends, I decided we should have the traditional Valentine’s Day pizza — because Hawaiian pizza is totes what St. Valentine celebrated with, amiright?

valentine's pizzas!
valentine’s pizzas!

Also, I got a cute new magnetic sticker for my car! Well, it’s actually my housemate’s car, but he lets me drive it. How could it not be appropriately decorated while I do so?

I heart big mutts
I heart big mutts! (and I cannot lie)

In other news, the “decorating the new house” proceeds apace — though not without the occasional double-take from us all. For example, the guest bathroom is tiled in a very nice, deep indigo which I really like. We found a lovely shower curtain that looks somewhat like an embroidered antique gold tapestry, and then we went and bought matching antique gold towels. The final touch, of course, was making sure all the lightbulbs worked — especially the one on the switch that both heated the room and activated the fan.

Unfortunately the heater bulb, being red, really changes the look of the room! So first we have the nice new bathroom, though unfortunately my cell doesn’t really do justice to the beautiful blue tiles… and next we have it with the red lightbulb 0n — transformed instantly into a portal to hell! I guess that’s one way to get rid of unwanted guests… :)

guest bath - normal
guest bath – normal & unassuming. Who’d suspect?
guest bath portal to hell!
guest bath – our personal portal to hell!

On the positive side, though, we now have a lovely new gazebo on the back deck! I am, of course, ABSOLUTELY getting a +1 arrow to fix into one side — we’re gamer geeks, so it’s practically a requirement! I do wonder, though: what does a +1 arrow look like? Is it sparkly or golden or what… got any suggestions?

Speaking of golden, here are my required “adoring owner gushing disgustingly over her doggie” photos of Goldie!

first kitty-cuddle with Goldie!
Goldie & Mandelbrot curled up together
first kitty-cuddle with Goldie!
Manders – the first kitty-cuddle with Goldie!

Here’s the first kitty-Goldie cuddle — yay! They’re getting along so great now… in fact, Manders has on more than one occasion sort of stretchingly shoved poor Goldie right off her own doggie bed!

Next is Goldie trying to convince me that cuddling and scritching her is ever so much more fun than working on my dissertation on my laptop in the conversation pit:

Goldie cuddles
Wouldn’t petting me be more fun?

Amazing how hard it is to type with a happy dog flopped across your thighs. :) Finally we’ve got a shot of cute li’l Red Riding Goldie, where she ducked her head under the red tablecloth to rest her chin on my thigh and give me the soulful-eyed look in the hopes of scritchies — and maybe some of my food. Alas, she did not realize I’d been hardened and inured to that particular look — I’ve worked with basset hounds! :)

li'l red riding goldie
What a big sammich that is! The better to share with me, right?

In closing, here’s one of my fave current songs for an instant pick-me-up — Walk the Moon’s wonderfully energetic “Shut Up & Dance with Me” — coupled with a really great selection of dance sequences from a ton of movies. I don’t know who did it, but awesome job! :)

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