Election Day
I truly believed we as a nation were better than this.
…I am beyond appalled. I have no words.
I truly believed we as a nation were better than this.
…I am beyond appalled. I have no words.
Before we go on to discussion of my favorite heroine, here’s an example of a heroine where I wasn’t terribly impressed with the story’s sexual tension, although to be fair I’d have to say it was likely quite true to life for some women. Kat Richardson’s Greywalker series is about Harper Blaine — a woman…
I’ve had another professor write to me about the Ecofeminism independent study class I took last semester. Her comments were regarding my review of Griffin’s Woman and Nature: The Roaring Inside Her. Thinking back now, I absolutely loved how Griffin connected women with nature. I remember quiet tears rolling down my cheeks as I read…
I don’t usually use trigger warnings in my writing, mostly because I don’t expect that many people read my blog, and those that do have not asked me to please do so — which I’d be happy to? -but wevs at this point. However, I’m using a trigger warning this time for… hm. I guess…
Something just for fun today! A friend emailed me an article titled: Do we owe our human existence to the dog? (if that link is dead, try here). Here’s my emailed reply… While this information does not surprise me at all — we can see similar things happening in modern gatherer-hunter tribes today, for example…
Two modern-day examples of the secularity of organized religion: President Bush recently asked the Pope (the leader of another nation) to put pressure on Catholic bishops in the United States to support Bush’s presidential campaign by speaking out against same-sex marriage and encouraging a Constitutional amendment on marriage. Will Bush be asking the leaders of…
First, an apology for starting two separate posting threads here, and then getting distracted with midterm schoolwork. Now the paper is handed in, I’ll be getting those done soon, I promise. Second, fair warning: this blog entry is going to be a rant — a very ranty rant! — that will get it out of…