Woohooo! It’s up! It’s accessible! It’s here! My dissertation, as finally published by ProQuest!
If you want to read it, please enjoy — and (since I know it’s rather long, and heavy going!) if you get through it, please let me know what you think?

Thanks so much to you both! I’m so thrilled it’s finally all done, completed, and uploaded — WHEW! :)
Also, Ms. M, fair warning: the Methodology is probably skippable, while the Lit Review will be of interest mostly if you’re looking for other similar-subject books to read. The Intro, the actual research chapter, and the Conclusion, though, I hope will be fun and/or intriguing! :-D
Yowza! Fabulous news. I’ve already started to read it and look forward to future convos. Cheers!
449 pages for the win!