Spring cleaning
I’m in the process of reviewing and renewing my blog, which means there are some things which aren’t working yet. Bear with me, please, as hopefully soon this will be a much nicer and easier blog to read and comment on. Cheers! :)
I’m in the process of reviewing and renewing my blog, which means there are some things which aren’t working yet. Bear with me, please, as hopefully soon this will be a much nicer and easier blog to read and comment on. Cheers! :)
There is a French term I love: esprit de l’escalier. It translates literally as “wit of the stairs,” and means roughly “the concise and clever retort that occurs to you too late, as you are on the stairs and leaving the scene.” I was sad to hear it is rarely used any more in French,…
Checklist for the Day: roses chocolate card. Check. Success. Boyfriend brownie points Redeem for valuable prizes! Today only, double bonus value: Try dinner candles jewelry lingerie more Sweetly sincere silhouetted sparkles Smiling empty glittering chains All payment Money is love is sex. Reading of the inspiration: Vali Brother of demanding murdered Spring Solely bred…
Texas has somewhat of a bad reputation in the rest of the country. For example, I told some of the folks I know that I’d be driving pretty much straight through the state. The responses varied from (effectively), “Probably wise. Be careful!” from several friends — to an emphatic, “Good,” from my mom, who actually…
or: Why Eartha Kitt is sexier than Madonna & Betty Boop combined! ;) Originally posted December 2004 Credits: For Bob, who correctly insisted the singer makes a huge difference! -& George, who came up with the subtitle; — for Eartha Kitt, who first showed me sensuality and sexiness could coincide without degenerating into tawdriness; —…
I’m in a master’s program for Women’s Spirituality at ITP (www.itp.edu) in Palo Alto. A lot of fascinating questions are coming up for me as I take the courses, and I’ll try to put them up here on line for discussion as they occur to me. A particularly poignant question which hit me this weekend…
Whoops! Finishing off the list of my ten most influential books and articles which helped shape my thinking regarding feminism and the human community took a bit longer than expected. Life intruded — mea culpa! So, continuing with #4… 4) “En’owkin: Decision-Making as if Sustainability Mattered” by Jeannette C. Armstrong This article was personally revelatory…