I’m reading Vandana Shiva’s Staying Alive: Women, Ecology, & Development for an on-line class on Ecofeminism which I’m TAing. The following are two comments made…
Continue ReadingLiterarily denuded! :)
So I’m thinking about books and research, as I’m driving back home from turning in yet another handful of library books, several of which were…
Continue Reading“Toward A Queer Ecofeminism” by Greta Gaard
The following is a quick review of an article read for the Ecofeminism class in which I am a TA — yay! I’d like to…
Continue ReadingClearing the decks to write
Finally had a bit of a breakthrough on my dissertation proposal — hallelujah! Working now on getting a dissertation committee Chair, and figuring out all…
Continue ReadingI have great friends. ;)
My friends are a delight — which is a huge relief when I’m cranky due to being ill or tired! I’m very lucky they all…
Continue ReadingGrumpy mutterings
I hate being sick. Hatehatehate it with the fiery passion of coughing exhaustion coupled with the urge to rasp out: “just kill me now!” I…
Continue ReadingThe unexamined dissertation: not worth writing?
As some who read my blog may know already, I’m currently struggling with the process of writing my dissertation proposal. Despite writing being one of…
Continue ReadingSweet & sour emotions
Being a student on a very tight budget, I am particularly fond of restaurants with cards that give you a free meal after a certain…
Continue ReadingA Paean to the Librarian
My dissertation proposal research continues apace – sometimes stutteringly slowly, other times with a swiftness and surety which reassures me that I’m on the right…
Continue ReadingPoisoning history
There’s an odd and disturbing trend I’ve noticed recently in my preferred form of brain candy; e.g.: smart female protagonists within the genre of urban…
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