OMG, I am SO excited! The first three (of five) chapters of my dissertation are completed and reviewed by my Chair! Here’s what she had…
Continue ReadingQuarantine check-in
My household uses the garage mostly for storage. Some of the electrical equipment that runs our computers is kept in there. When our computers started…
Continue ReadingDiss chapter wheeeee!
A very wonderful Valentine’s Day to you all! I am celebrating… handing in a chapter! For context: my dissertation has several required chapters — the…
Continue ReadingMath is easy — it’s writing that’s haaaard! ;)
Writing up interviews is not easy! From an anthropological perspective, there’s always the worry that I’m committing the ethical crime of appropriating someone else’s subaltern…
Continue ReadingSeasonal gifting & holiday joy! :)
As the holiday season approaches, I’ve been asked by several folks what I want for Christmas. There are the easy answers, which I suspect I…
Continue ReadingHappy Friendsgiving!
I love the idea of a day for giving gratitude for friends and family, for one’s warm/fed/dry/whatever circumstances, or even simply because feeling grateful helps…
Continue ReadingReview: Bristly dog toothbrush
Goldie’s Bristly Dental Set Christmas gift finally arrived a few days ago! Here’s my review. The (slightly crumpled) package I received had three items in…
Continue ReadingBragging on Goldie! Things that make me happy, pt. 3
Later edit: I was notified that some of the video links weren’t working. I think they all are now, but please do notify me if…
Continue ReadingBragging on Goldie! Things that make me happy, pt. 2
Later edit: I was notified that some of the video links weren’t working. I think they all are now, but please do notify me if…
Continue ReadingThings that make me happy (part 1)
Because I’m feeling somewhat under the weather due to a touch of stomach flu, I’ve decided to put today’s writing time into happy thoughts. The…
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