There is a French term I love: esprit de l’escalier. It translates literally as “wit of the stairs,” and means roughly “the concise and clever…
Continue ReadingJCP’s Dance of the Hours
Consumerism often confuses me. Statistically speaking, I am apparently taller than average for US women and (depending on what charts you use) either average or…
Continue ReadingThe signs & results of property ownership
Our old apple tree has a few blossoms on it! They look like lovely pinkish froth, almost, despite there being only a handful of them.…
Continue ReadingBon courage, Women’s Spirituality of ITP
I am very sad to report that the Women’s Spirituality program at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology is being closed down. Apparently shortly after I…
Continue ReadingMiscellaneous nice things
It is astonishingly easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff that constantly needs doing in a new house! That list is never-ending,…
Continue ReadingNeedin’ some good vibrations
I think today I’m going to do a bit more venting on my dissertation blues… and then tomorrow talk about what I think might fix…
Continue ReadingShut up and blog with me! ;)
This is just going to be various fun/silly things in my life currently — sometimes I need to simply not think about dissertation stuff. So!…
Continue ReadingRambling around the hood
We live in an interesting area of the city. Taking the main road to the highway, we pass through an economically depressed area. There are…
Continue ReadingHow about a little respect, please?
Okay, time for more venting and dissertation blues. Haul out the tiny violins, please, and also everyone get ready to sing along with Arethra Franklin…
Continue ReadingSetting goals
Time for another 15 minutes (minimum) of writing, so I start getting back into the habit of doing so… The 2015 Parliament of the World’s…
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