I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to write down some of the issues I’m butting my head up against, as I write my…
Continue ReadingUnexpected validation — eeee! ;)
I recently had something startlingly nice happen to me! There’s a professor I had in the past who’s a noted and accomplished author. She’s got…
Continue ReadingPublished again, yay! ;)
I’m published again! It’s a very small thing this time, but once again it came from the heart. In the gorgeously illustrated She Appears! Encounters…
Continue ReadingWhat we call home
We have moved! So much stuff happening; so many errands on my metaphorical plate! The photos are from before we moved in. Currently we’re still…
Continue ReadingBeauty of Solitude in Wilderness
There is a sort of beauty found in terrible weather, which I’d forgotten. It’s nice to remember. Because I don’t currently have a backyard, I…
Continue ReadingGrateful for the holidays
The holiday season is finally coming to a close, and I find I have a great deal to be grateful for. One random side thought:…
Continue ReadingStruggling with defining personal ethics
Some years ago I had a friend with whom I lunched on a weekly basis. At that time he was on a job team that…
Continue ReadingIn sickness & health…
I don’t usually use trigger warnings in my writing, mostly because I don’t expect that many people read my blog, and those that do have…
Continue ReadingThinking just to keep in practice
I’m trying to write more often — it’s way too easy for me to get into a no-writing slump and procrastinate on my dissertation proposal.…
Continue ReadingReading & voting: Williams’ “Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family & Place”
As I write this I’ve just spent the past two or three hours sitting in the tire shop and waiting for a tire change. It…
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