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Gaia’s Gift: Earth, Ourselves and God after Copernicus by Anne Primavesi

This book was both a surprise and a delight; I very much enjoyed the reading. Gaia’s Gift is ordinarily presented as simply an analysis of Copernican heliocentric theory, as it applies to James Lovelock’s Gaia Theory, with a powerful refutation of both scientific and religious androcentrism. For example, the description from suggests the book…

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-EEEEEEEEEE!! I am SO EXCITED my books arrived today! I have now officially published scholarly work, yay! Wheee! This is so nifty! Along with several sister scholars from CIIS, I have two articles in the beautiful new little anthology Unto Herself: A Devotional Anthology for Independent Goddesses which was put out by Bibliotheca Alexandrina and…

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Florida & ideological violence

Jumping back in time, some thoughts from a few days ago while in Gainesville: It’s a lovely morning in Florida — yes, I made it safely to my parents’ place! Due to different schedules, it’s currently just me sitting in this nice, cool room and looking out into the lush greenery. The occasional tiny lizard…

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More road ramblings

Pausing in a McDonald’s just outside Beaumont, TX on Sunday the 15th; driving progresses well, & I should be safely in Gainesville, FL at the appropriate time. I have discovered the perfect use for NPR’s Lake Wobegon (& other programs), which I do not ordinarily listen to: making the time pass with at least mild…

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Mud & philosophy

Writing this on the night of the 8th, from a wonderful little hole-in-the-wall pizza & brews place called Hot Mama’s! I’m muddy, exhausted, starving, and triumphant — I walked the lava tubes! So cool! So muddy! So in need of a washing machine at my next stop too. The township is called Duck Creek, and…

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The ASWM Conference! part 4

Oh, again! Almost forgot: the bus driver on the way out to the hotel was an old Asian man, and on the way back was an old Italian man. Both of them were really nice folks, happy to help me get the right stop. It’s interesting: clearly my small rolling suitcase and my using actual…

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The ASWM Presentation! part 3

There were some amazing names present at the conference — women whose writings I’ve read and been moved by; women I’ve read about as ground-breaking in the field. It was really nice to be able to meet them, even if some of it was just a handshake and a sincere, “Thank you so much for…

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The ASWM Presentation! part 2

Heehee! This stream-of-consciousness stuff is way fun — but I’m almost afraid to re-read it later, for fear I’ll want to bang my head against my desk or something! No matter — the muse rides with me today! :) So! The regular MUNI buses were full but not bad for a Sunday, with lots and…

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The ASWM Presentation! part 1

Hastily typed out in stream of consciousness, while returning from the ASWM (Association for the Study of Women & Mythology) Conference — typing on BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) & I’ve still got a head churningly full of wonderful, fascinating, intriguing ideas! Still tremendously gleeful at how well my presentation went too. One of my…