
Quarantine check-in

My household uses the garage mostly for storage. Some of the electrical equipment that runs our computers is kept in there. When our computers started…

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Concluding thoughts on performing

Well, PantheaCon is concluded for another year! Also, our ritual/performance of The Descent of Inanna was enormously successful — “House of Inanna” has been asked…

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Stagecrafting fun

I did a thing! Well, I painted a thing — for my ATS bellydance troupe’s upcoming ritual of the Descent of Inanna, taking place this…

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Wonderful Wednesday

I have had such an excellent day today! Got to sleep a few hours later than usual, then took Goldie to her new agility class.…

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A Love Letter to Dickens Faire

(Author’s note: according to the website, Dickens Fair is “A Victorian Christmas Card Come to Life!” Located just south of San Francisco, Dickens Fair runs…

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Hallowe’en silliness because I can; because Goldie is both patient and a delight to work with; because it’s fun to dress up; because why not?…

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