I have had such an excellent day today! Got to sleep a few hours later than usual, then took Goldie to her new agility class.…
Continue ReadingCooking
My experiments in cooking
Holiday joy and greetings to all! :)
It’s three days after Solstice and Christmas Eve and well after Hannukah… and I have a ton of things to be thankful for. First and…
Continue ReadingProposal passed by my committee chair!
Eeeeeeee! I am SO pleased — just got the email from my dissertation committee chair that she’s passing my dissertation proposal on as acceptable! Now…
Continue ReadingFinding the source of dis-ease
Butter chicken for dinner tonight — yum! It’s in the crockpot and starting to make the house smell delicious. Combined with the fact that it’s…
Continue ReadingShut up and blog with me! ;)
This is just going to be various fun/silly things in my life currently — sometimes I need to simply not think about dissertation stuff. So!…
Continue ReadingMeatbaaallz! ;)
I figure this posting works well here, right after yesterday’s blog posting on masculinity! :) So, I think I’ve taken the next step or so…
Continue ReadingA History for Women and a Feminism for Everyone
…and now back to my comps essay book reviews! :) A more sweeping view of women throughout history, including both their loss of power and…
Continue ReadingThe culinary Hallowe’en extravaganza! pt. 3
Next up in the Halloween dinner recipe reminiscence is Eye of Newt, crunchy Zombie Fingers, and the sweet Zombie Kidneys — all of which were…
Continue ReadingThe culinary Hallowe’en extravaganza! pt. 2
The next elements of the Halloween dinner that we’ll review are the poison apple dip, and zombie guts! The guts are startlingly easy — I…
Continue ReadingThe culinary Hallowe’en extravaganza! pt. 1
Okay! That’s enough scholastic mumblings for a while — time for something lighthearted and fun: last Halloween’s dinner! As I’ve mentioned previously, I occasionally get…
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