…and now back to my comps essay book reviews! :) A more sweeping view of women throughout history, including both their loss of power and…
Continue ReadingCraftiness
The culinary Hallowe’en extravaganza! pt. 3
Next up in the Halloween dinner recipe reminiscence is Eye of Newt, crunchy Zombie Fingers, and the sweet Zombie Kidneys — all of which were…
Continue ReadingThe culinary Hallowe’en extravaganza! pt. 2
The next elements of the Halloween dinner that we’ll review are the poison apple dip, and zombie guts! The guts are startlingly easy — I…
Continue ReadingThe culinary Hallowe’en extravaganza! pt. 1
Okay! That’s enough scholastic mumblings for a while — time for something lighthearted and fun: last Halloween’s dinner! As I’ve mentioned previously, I occasionally get…
Continue ReadingWay too much sexual analysis ;)
As was noted yesterday, Biaggi’s essayists examine the emergence of patriarchy in order to persuasively analyze and explain our current global issues — such as…
Continue ReadingThe first 20,000 years: women’s work & women’s social power
As we work towards shaping social realities, research on women-centered societies which are based upon cooperation and partnership facilitates a more sophisticated discussion of cultural…
Continue ReadingThe boudoir shoot, part 1 (hopefully)
I’m writing this having just gotten back from my little interview session, or whatever it’s called, at the photography studio for the boudoir shoot groupon…
Continue ReadingCooking & warping reality in the new year
Happy New Year!! :-D Now that this irritatingly wince-inducing semester of comps is over, I’ve been very much getting into relaxing. As a consequence I’ve…
Continue ReadingArmadillo eggs — the appetizing! :)
In our last pain-filled episode the armadillo eggs, meatloaf, and cheeses were left well-wrapped and half prepared in the refrigerator, and blinky-Collie-with-glasses went off to…
Continue ReadingArmadillo Eggs – the Agony!
I like trying new (and simple, please!) things to cook, so I’ve told my housemates if there’s something in particular that interests me, send me…
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