
What’s in Vegas

I’m sitting in a restaurant in Las Vegas as I type this, reminding myself that having a touch of heat stroke does not put oneself…

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Woohoo! I am now certified on the TechShop embroidery machine! Our practice to prove that we’d mastered the teaching was to make these cute little…

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Thoughts on trying new things

Yesterday I had a wonderful but accidental first while trying to get photos for another of my firsts: I successfully took some pictures with my…

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More new things!

It’s funny… in making up potential things to try for my 50 New Things list, I find myself adding on all the ideas and events…

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Happy New Year! :)

As you may know from one of my previous postings, in 2011 I had my 50th birthday. I was trying to think of something special…

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New arting! Calla lily & rose

Got another tambourine completed — this one’s just a little 6 incher. The theme seemed perfect for spring though: a calla lily on the silhouette…

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Arting! :-)

Huzzah! Got my new Art! page up and pretty much rolling well. There’s a link to it up at the top of every page (between…

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