MA & PhD programs

Thoughts on thought

My school emphasizes various forms of psychology, and this weekend there’s a small conference on transpersonal psychology. Sitting in the student lounge at school, I…

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A Short History of Myth, part 4

Source material that is simply bad To be fair to Armstrong, I would assume much of her previously mentioned double standards arose from her source…

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A Short History of Myth, part 3

This darkly pessimistic view on goddesses is most exemplified in Armstrong’s version of the myths of Inanna. I’ve had the pleasure of reading some rather…

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A Short History of Myth, part 2

Blatant and inaccurate double standards As I’ve previously noted, I was not happy with how the second chapter was progressing. To my increasing dismay, things…

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A Short History of Myth, part 1

The first book by Karen Armstrong which I read was A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It was absolutely…

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Sunshiny ramblings, part 2

Not being much for pranks, I’m cheerfully indulging myself in yet more gorgeous weather and pleasant mental ramblings: I think I’ve discovered the three things…

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Diploma *squeeeeeeee*!! ;-)

So my master’s diploma finally arrived in the mail today, and it looks absolutely gorgimous! Fantabulous! Tongue-twisting-excitimus!I m seriously squeeeeeing over this one! :) Add…

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