My school emphasizes various forms of psychology, and this weekend there’s a small conference on transpersonal psychology. Sitting in the student lounge at school, I…
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A Short History of Myth, part 4
Source material that is simply bad To be fair to Armstrong, I would assume much of her previously mentioned double standards arose from her source…
Continue ReadingA Short History of Myth, part 3
This darkly pessimistic view on goddesses is most exemplified in Armstrong’s version of the myths of Inanna. I’ve had the pleasure of reading some rather…
Continue ReadingA Short History of Myth, part 2
Blatant and inaccurate double standards As I’ve previously noted, I was not happy with how the second chapter was progressing. To my increasing dismay, things…
Continue ReadingA Short History of Myth, part 1
The first book by Karen Armstrong which I read was A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It was absolutely…
Continue ReadingMagic in “Flight of the Valkyries”
(another of the very short papers for the class on the spirituality of creativity) I know of several works of art with a mythic element…
Continue ReadingJames Lord’s “A Giacometti Portrait”
This was a quick one-page paper written for one of my classes, which has a wonderful name: “Tree of Brilliant Fruit: Finding Spiritual Wisdom Through…
Continue ReadingSunshiny ramblings, part 2
Not being much for pranks, I’m cheerfully indulging myself in yet more gorgeous weather and pleasant mental ramblings: I think I’ve discovered the three things…
Continue ReadingTea musings while listening to the rain
Random thoughts as I sit cozily in the warm house, sipping hot tea and listening to the rain slashing down madly outside: I’m halfway through…
Continue ReadingDiploma *squeeeeeeee*!! ;-)
So my master’s diploma finally arrived in the mail today, and it looks absolutely gorgimous! Fantabulous! Tongue-twisting-excitimus!I m seriously squeeeeeing over this one! :) Add…
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