A friend amusedly pointed out that I seem to be educationally following Arthur C. Clarke’s “Odyssey” books: I graduated with a bachelor’s in 2001, and…
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The Genghis Khan Exhibition at the Tech (3 of 3)
The other really nice display on a 3-dimensional model was of a 19th-20th century shaman in full regalia. I was inordinately delighted by this (much…
Continue ReadingThe Genghis Khan Exhibition at the Tech (2 of 3)
We have the same situation of frustratingly half-told stories occurring repeatedly in the Tech’s exhibit. For example, exactly one sentence was dedicated to Genghis’ daughters,…
Continue ReadingThe Genghis Khan Exhibition at the Tech (1 of 3)
Try any of these books for more on this fascinating and amazing era. The Secret History of the Mongols was written a scant 20 years…
Continue ReadingIt! Is! DONE!! :-D
Thesis has been signed off! Passed with flying colors! Graduation was wonderful! ;) Very sleep deprived. Having occasional weird giggle fits. Conversation with a long-suffering…
Continue ReadingThesis crunch time — do not want! :(
Laughing Collie has been temporarily replaced by Happy Fun Thesis-Collie. Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to Happy…
Continue ReadingThinking about looks…
I recently participated in a photo shoot with some friends and classmates. The photographer (also a classmate) was experimenting with women’s perceptions of themselves, to…
Continue ReadingThe amazing King Tut birthday! :) [2 of 2]
Now that I think about it, I realize there was a constant emphasis of the Pharaoh — a symbol of rightness and order? — triumphing…
Continue ReadingThe amazing King Tut Birthday! :) [1 of 2]
For my birthday in October, my wonderful housemate took me to see the display on King Tutankhamen at the DeYoung Museum in San Francisco. It…
Continue ReadingA posting on Haiti
I try not to write “hop on the bandwagon” postings about the current “hot” topic in the news. I like to have a bit of…
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