MA & PhD programs

Applying aikido to life (2 of 2)

I’ve come to the conclusion I don’t agree with the definition of Gatekeeper. I do agree there’s more than just the two extremes — regardless…

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Applying aikido to life (1 of 2)

Part of a quick “reflection” written for my aikido class. Huzzah! My aikido class has a list of recommended readings. The first of those books,…

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A Life Worth Living (V of V)

I was enthralled by my correspondent’s enlightening statement to me, and I spent some time trying to figure out where my spirituality was. Eventually I…

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A Life Worth Living (IV of V)

I was already working hard on mental independence, unconsciously using Gross’s “hermeneutics of suspicion” (121); looking back, I think my fierce desire for physical independence,…

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A Life Worth Living (III of V)

It was no surprise, therefore, to discover the other two Religions of the Book (Judaism and Islam) seemed equally reprehensible in their treatment of women.…

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A Life Worth Living (II of V)

Childhood Spirituality & Implications Durkheim’s definition of religion was a huge relief to discover in my early college years; it was a clear explanation for…

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What is “common” knowledge?

There’s a lot I’m learning in my classes on Women’s Spirituality that I feel somewhat perplexed by — sort of a “doesn’t everyone know this?!”…

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