Writing up interviews is not easy! From an anthropological perspective, there’s always the worry that I’m committing the ethical crime of appropriating someone else’s subaltern…
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Seasonal gifting & holiday joy! :)
As the holiday season approaches, I’ve been asked by several folks what I want for Christmas. There are the easy answers, which I suspect I…
Continue ReadingThoughts on cultural appropriation (pt. 3)
This makes me feel bad — so it must be bad! On deeper examination of this issue, I believe the selfish desire to profit regardless…
Continue ReadingThoughts on cultural appropriation (pt. 2)
But why does it matter? Well, I feel it’s always easier to understand something when it’s personal… so let’s do a little thought-exercise. Yes, I…
Continue ReadingThoughts on cultural appropriation (pt. 1)
A few years ago I was in a class about being a good ally to people of color, or POC. It is a sad fact…
Continue ReadingIntellectual Shamans (part 2)
Now, admittedly I was just taking quick glances at small photos on google, and the author does state up front that these are just the…
Continue ReadingIntellectual Shamans (part 1)
When I read the title — Intellectual Shamans: Management Academics Making A Difference by Sandra Waddock — I really, really wanted to like this book,…
Continue ReadingDiss blues in a cheerful key!
Woo! Just finished my first interview for my dissertation research — and it went swimmingly, I think! Feeling much relief here, as well as some…
Continue ReadingMoar diss bluuuuz! (e.g.: cultural ritual change)
Up to this point in my life, when I wrote papers for school I could usually hold the whole thing in my head as a…
Continue ReadingHoliday joy and greetings to all! :)
It’s three days after Solstice and Christmas Eve and well after Hannukah… and I have a ton of things to be thankful for. First and…
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