Interestingly, it is only recently that socially gendered coding and categorizations have been recognized, such that the biological condition of being male is not automatically…
Continue ReadingMA & PhD programs
The Real Wealth of Nations: the people
Irigaray’s fascinating work, which I reviewed yesterday, calls for a radical change in the individual’s worldview as expressed through an intersubjective spiritual caring and hospitality,…
Continue ReadingDifficult & fascinating: Daly & Irigaray
My next selection to showcase here is Euro-American radical feminist philosopher, professor, and theologian Mary Daly’s fiery and iconoclastic Amazon Grace: Re-Calling the Courage to…
Continue ReadingThe first 20,000 years: women’s work & women’s social power
As we work towards shaping social realities, research on women-centered societies which are based upon cooperation and partnership facilitates a more sophisticated discussion of cultural…
Continue ReadingThe Minangkabou & the Mosuo: modern matrifocality in action
Of particular personal interest are a number of truly excellent books I have, which present anthropological research on several modern and still existing matriarchies. In…
Continue ReadingThe wonderfully titled: Goddesses, Whores, Wives & Slaves
(repeating from yesterday…) Both historically and in the modern day, patriarchy stunts and diminishes both women and men, and will continue to do so until…
Continue ReadingSo where did this patriarchy crap come from anyway?
Woo! My prof has finally signed off on my second comps essay — I am so very relieved! Always nice to get an all-caps “EXCELLENT…
Continue ReadingThe perils of ivory tower indecisiveness when studying misogyny, pt. 3
So yes, this book is one of the most horribly self-righteous homilies on how the poor, emotionally tragically sad, snoogie-woogums-needing men are suffering SO MUCH!!…
Continue ReadingThe perils of ivory tower indecisiveness when studying misogyny, pt. 2
Weirdly, Gilmore also seems to be completely blind to any understanding of the concept of “patriarchy,” to the point that he repeatedly enthuses about how…
Continue ReadingThe perils of ivory tower indecisiveness when studying misogyny, pt. 1
First, an apology for starting two separate posting threads here, and then getting distracted with midterm schoolwork. Now the paper is handed in, I’ll be…
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