Oh, again! Almost forgot: the bus driver on the way out to the hotel was an old Asian man, and on the way back was…
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The ASWM Presentation! part 3
There were some amazing names present at the conference — women whose writings I’ve read and been moved by; women I’ve read about as ground-breaking…
Continue ReadingThe ASWM Presentation! part 2
Heehee! This stream-of-consciousness stuff is way fun — but I’m almost afraid to re-read it later, for fear I’ll want to bang my head against…
Continue ReadingThe ASWM Presentation! part 1
Hastily typed out in stream of consciousness, while returning from the ASWM (Association for the Study of Women & Mythology) Conference — typing on BART…
Continue ReadingWorkshops & more
Quick updating for my 50 New Things, with more coming soon: Saturday 3/24 attended a “Creative Transition” workshop in Berkeley, focusing on art and dance.…
Continue ReadingMore new things!
It’s funny… in making up potential things to try for my 50 New Things list, I find myself adding on all the ideas and events…
Continue ReadingLife-Birth-Chaos-Dance: new tambourine!
When I’m stressed or lonely or otherwise not at my emotional best, I find creativity enormously comforting and grounding. My first night here in San…
Continue ReadingSnapshots of San Francisco
I’m in San Francisco, the City by the Bay, for the Women’s Spirituality Intensive Week — which actually goes from Saturday to the following Sunday…
Continue ReadingRelease… the Corgis of DOOM!
Had a lovely day today! Started in a panic due to realizing I had but two weeks left until end of semester, which means I…
Continue ReadingWhy study Women’s Spirituality?
I was recently asked the following question: “Why is it important for feminists to study and comprehend women-centered cultures?” While I thought it a good…
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