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Woohooo! It’s up! It’s accessible! It’s here! My dissertation, as finally published by ProQuest! “Everyone Gets Lifted Up”: How Matrifocal Families Can Enhance People’s Lives and Reduce Systemic Patriarchal Oppressions If you want to read it, please enjoy — and (since I know it’s rather long, and heavy going!) if you get through it, please…

Dissertation Committee Scorecard: 3 out of 3!
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Dissertation Committee Scorecard: 3 out of 3!

OMG, peeps! I just received the feedback from my third committee member – 3 days early! When I read her report I was so thrilled I was almost hyperventilating! Her first sentence was: This dissertation is truly exemplary: original, innovative, cutting-edge, smart, eloquent, heartfelt, profound, and passionate. …and her last sentence was: In conclusion, the…

sea turtle yay!
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Diss chapter wheeeee!

A very wonderful Valentine’s Day to you all! I am celebrating… handing in a chapter! For context: my dissertation has several required chapters — the Introduction and Conclusion, of course. A Literature Review, which is required to show that I’ve done the research on the subject I’m writing on, and nobody’s covered precisely it, though…

Math is easy — it’s writing that’s haaaard! ;)
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Math is easy — it’s writing that’s haaaard! ;)

Writing up interviews is not easy! From an anthropological perspective, there’s always the worry that I’m committing the ethical crime of appropriating someone else’s subaltern culture. Racially I’m white, and I don’t want to even accidentally appear to act like I’m either stealing the words of, or attempting to speak for, any of the minority…

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Concluding thoughts on performing

Well, PantheaCon is concluded for another year! Also, our ritual/performance of The Descent of Inanna was enormously successful — “House of Inanna” has been asked to do it again! There were far more audience members than we expected, which was a real delight — they filled the room and we even had folks standing in…

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Book Review: “A Circle of Quiet” by Madeleine L’Engle (pt. 3)

(originally published 15 November 2004)  Still, like L’Engle, I hope we all continue learning throughout our journey of life… and I hope I have a long journey yet to go. I too want to constantly and happily relearn the importance and wonder of touch, of exploration and closeness with those you love. I love her…

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Book Review: “A Circle of Quiet” by Madeleine L’Engle (pt. 2)

(originally published 15 November 2004)  The nature of creation & Self On the other hand, I did admire the courage of someone willing to continue doggedly to write, even when she sold nothing whatsoever for an entire decade. I don’t know if I’d have that kind of determination. Also, some of her speculations on the…

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Book Review: “A Circle of Quiet” by Madeleine L’Engle (pt. 1)

(originally published 15 November 2004) I came to this book with great expectations. Perhaps if I’d not loved A Wrinkle in Time so much, or hadn’t been informed this book was a fabulous exploration of the wisdom of the maturing woman, I wouldn’t have felt quite so much vague disappointment later. Unfortunately, I did; I…

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Intellectual Shamans (part 2)

Now, admittedly I was just taking quick glances at small photos on google, and the author does state up front that these are just the intellectual shamans that she knows of personally. Nevertheless, her selection of ostensible shamans begs several uncomfortable questions. According to this website, in US business schools women are less than a…