
Achieving More Firsts, & Friday Good Fortune
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Achieving More Firsts, & Friday Good Fortune

Friday the 13th has always been a good day for me. I remember, as a child, wondering why people were so afraid of it, especially since Friday the 13th was the day when my sister and I received our first horse. We named him Friday’s Luck, or Lucky for short. He was an obstinate little…

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Woohooo! It’s up! It’s accessible! It’s here! My dissertation, as finally published by ProQuest! “Everyone Gets Lifted Up”: How Matrifocal Families Can Enhance People’s Lives and Reduce Systemic Patriarchal Oppressions If you want to read it, please enjoy — and (since I know it’s rather long, and heavy going!) if you get through it, please…

dollar bills
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Let’s talk about… money

In specific, let’s talk about student loans — especially since I’m graduating, so the start of my repayment is coming up soon, woot! So, I’ve had people ask me how I can, in good conscience, support any sort of student loan forgiveness — when my doing so is clearly really just self-aggrandizement on my part….

Dissertation Committee Scorecard: 3 out of 3!
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Dissertation Committee Scorecard: 3 out of 3!

OMG, peeps! I just received the feedback from my third committee member – 3 days early! When I read her report I was so thrilled I was almost hyperventilating! Her first sentence was: This dissertation is truly exemplary: original, innovative, cutting-edge, smart, eloquent, heartfelt, profound, and passionate. …and her last sentence was: In conclusion, the…

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WOOHOOOOO! Dissertation is COMPLETELY written, yeah! :-D I’m going to take a couple of days to just relax, run around like a mad thing, play with Goldie, and do the laundry… and then I’ll settle down and start working on the NEXT batch of things which need doing! Stuff like, ohhh… Get the last two…

sea turtle yay!
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Diss chapter wheeeee!

A very wonderful Valentine’s Day to you all! I am celebrating… handing in a chapter! For context: my dissertation has several required chapters — the Introduction and Conclusion, of course. A Literature Review, which is required to show that I’ve done the research on the subject I’m writing on, and nobody’s covered precisely it, though…

Math is easy — it’s writing that’s haaaard! ;)
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Math is easy — it’s writing that’s haaaard! ;)

Writing up interviews is not easy! From an anthropological perspective, there’s always the worry that I’m committing the ethical crime of appropriating someone else’s subaltern culture. Racially I’m white, and I don’t want to even accidentally appear to act like I’m either stealing the words of, or attempting to speak for, any of the minority…

Seasonal gifting & holiday joy! :)
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Seasonal gifting & holiday joy! :)

As the holiday season approaches, I’ve been asked by several folks what I want for Christmas. There are the easy answers, which I suspect I will not receive despite all my dreaming: a white Christmas, rational national leadership, world peace, and all my student loans magically wiped away. :-D When I’m stuck, I’ll often send…

Happy Friendsgiving!
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Happy Friendsgiving!

I love the idea of a day for giving gratitude for friends and family, for one’s warm/fed/dry/whatever circumstances, or even simply because feeling grateful helps one to appreciate life more. Just for fun I cooked for a few years… and then I’d had enough of that! We started celebrating at nice restaurants instead. Good food…