Movie review

The pain behind Fire Eyes

Trigger warning: this documentary review covers female genital mutilation. Don’t read further if you are easily squicked, please. ~ * ~ *~ *~ *~ *…

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Cave of Forgotten Dreams, pt. 8

Alas, it gets worse. The narrator rambles on in the same demagogic vein about the “mutant albino” crocodiles, ending with a close-up shot of one…

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Cave of Forgotten Dreams, pt. 6

It is at this point that the absurd scene (mentioned previously) with the spear thrower occurs. Interestingly, nothing at all is said about the greater…

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Cave of Forgotten Dreams, pt. 5

From the discussion of the little bone flute, we then shift to an outside shot with Wulf Hein, an “experimental archaeologist” who is wearing a…

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Cave of Forgotten Dreams, pt. 4

Also shown during the tour was a wall with a series of red rhinos with, underneath them, “positive” handprints (i.e. you paint your palm, then…

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