“Other” review

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More firsts — now with complimentary typos!

I don’t know why, but I have been bedeviled with typos during my graduation process! This is not something I’ve had such problems with previously… so in the spirit of finding the positive in my life, I’m adding this as an amusingly undesired first, to my list of new things I’ve experienced this year, in…

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Woohooo! It’s up! It’s accessible! It’s here! My dissertation, as finally published by ProQuest! “Everyone Gets Lifted Up”: How Matrifocal Families Can Enhance People’s Lives and Reduce Systemic Patriarchal Oppressions If you want to read it, please enjoy — and (since I know it’s rather long, and heavy going!) if you get through it, please…

dollar bills
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Let’s talk about… money

In specific, let’s talk about student loans — especially since I’m graduating, so the start of my repayment is coming up soon, woot! So, I’ve had people ask me how I can, in good conscience, support any sort of student loan forgiveness — when my doing so is clearly really just self-aggrandizement on my part….

The Rats of Happiness
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Diss committee scoreboard: 1 down, 2 to go!

I’m so excited! Yesterday my committee chair told me she thought my dissertation was done enough to send on to the rest of my dissertation committee! So today I pieced all the chapters together, filled out all the paperwork, and sent it all on — woohoooo! Hard to believe it, but I’m getting ever closer…

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Concluding thoughts on performing

Well, PantheaCon is concluded for another year! Also, our ritual/performance of The Descent of Inanna was enormously successful — “House of Inanna” has been asked to do it again! There were far more audience members than we expected, which was a real delight — they filled the room and we even had folks standing in…

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Thoughts on Organizing Performances

Tonight I’ll be at PantheaCon for the ritual of the Descent of Inanna performed by “House of Inanna” (my ATS belly dance troupe) and friends. It’s been a fascinating experience so far, especially since I’ve not previously participated in any plays. Oh, I was the head of a green dragon during a play when I…

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My first rally: recalling Judge Persky

I went to the “Rally to Recall Judge Persky” at the San Jose Hall of Justice on September 2nd. It was the first rally I’d ever been to and, as a friend put it, since it was a rally rather than a protest it was a pretty safe ‘first’ to try. It was… weirdly fascinating….

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A Love Letter to Dickens Faire

(Author’s note: according to the website, Dickens Fair is “A Victorian Christmas Card Come to Life!” Located just south of San Francisco, Dickens Fair runs for approximately each weekend between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. It’s a truly wonderful and Christmassy recreation of Dickens’ London, which I greatly enjoy visiting on a yearly basis. Personal favorites…

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A Paean to the Librarian

My dissertation proposal research continues apace – sometimes stutteringly slowly, other times with a swiftness and surety which reassures me that I’m on the right path and doing the right thing. I need those moments, believe me! This is one of those moments. I’ve just gotten off the phone with the CIIS librarian who’s also…