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Unreliable Truth (I of IV)

Unreliable Truth: On Memoir & Memory by Maureen Murdock Fact can exist without human intelligence but truth cannot. — Toni Morrison For a piece of writing to be called a memoir it must include self-reflection. Without it, the recollection of an incident or incidents lacks depth and cannot lead to transformation. Like any good piece…

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What is the “reason for the season”? (2 of 2)

There was also a curious song with four female singers titled “Sending You A Little Christmas.” I say curious because it was about being far away from the one(s) you love… and it had some war footage playing on the big screens behind the singers! I think it’s nice to remember our armed forces out…

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What is the “reason for the season”? (1 of 2)

As a child I adored the holiday season: the wonderful carol singing, the excitement and sharing and happiness that abounded all around us, the excited and carefully considered selection of gifts for friends and family, the decorating of house and tree with family, the thrill of christmas morning, the wonderful smells and tastes and gatherings…

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Material Girls in the Holidays

or: Why Eartha Kitt is sexier than Madonna & Betty Boop combined! ;) Originally posted December 2004 Credits: For Bob, who correctly insisted the singer makes a huge difference! -& George, who came up with the subtitle; — for Eartha Kitt, who first showed me sensuality and sexiness could coincide without degenerating into tawdriness; —…

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One of my housemates is in a world mythology class. I was quite interested to hear this, since I love mythology, and I thought this might be an opportunity for me to increase the number of interests we have in common. I was rather shocked, therefore, to hear some of the on-line questions and discussions…

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The “Women, Religion, & Society” papers (IV of IV)

Originally written in the late ’90s regarding the reading list of a truly fascinating anthropology class. The papers are extremely light — basically just some quick review and discussion questions. I include them here mostly because the books were excellent and well worth reading for thoughtful perspectives on women’s roles in a variety of religions….

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The “Women, Religion, & Society” papers (III of IV)

Originally written in the late ’90s regarding the reading list of a truly fascinating anthropology class. The papers are extremely light — basically just some quick review and discussion questions. I include them here mostly because the books were excellent and well worth reading for thoughtful perspectives on women’s roles in a variety of religions….

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The “Women, Religion, & Society” papers (II of IV)

Originally written in the late ’90s regarding the reading list of a truly fascinating anthropology class. The papers are extremely light — basically just some quick review and discussion questions. I include them here mostly because the books were excellent and well worth reading for thoughtful perspectives on women’s roles in a variety of religions….

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The “Women, Religion, & Society” papers (I of IV)

Originally written in the late ’90s regarding the reading list of a truly fascinating anthropology class. The papers are extremely light — basically just some quick review and discussion questions. I include them here mostly because the books were excellent and well worth reading for thoughtful perspectives on women’s roles in a variety of religions….