University papers

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Woohooo! It’s up! It’s accessible! It’s here! My dissertation, as finally published by ProQuest! “Everyone Gets Lifted Up”: How Matrifocal Families Can Enhance People’s Lives and Reduce Systemic Patriarchal Oppressions If you want to read it, please enjoy — and (since I know it’s rather long, and heavy going!) if you get through it, please…

Dissertation Committee Scorecard: 3 out of 3!
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Dissertation Committee Scorecard: 3 out of 3!

OMG, peeps! I just received the feedback from my third committee member – 3 days early! When I read her report I was so thrilled I was almost hyperventilating! Her first sentence was: This dissertation is truly exemplary: original, innovative, cutting-edge, smart, eloquent, heartfelt, profound, and passionate. …and her last sentence was: In conclusion, the…

The Rats of Happiness
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Diss committee scoreboard: 1 down, 2 to go!

I’m so excited! Yesterday my committee chair told me she thought my dissertation was done enough to send on to the rest of my dissertation committee! So today I pieced all the chapters together, filled out all the paperwork, and sent it all on — woohoooo! Hard to believe it, but I’m getting ever closer…

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WOOHOOOOO! Dissertation is COMPLETELY written, yeah! :-D I’m going to take a couple of days to just relax, run around like a mad thing, play with Goldie, and do the laundry… and then I’ll settle down and start working on the NEXT batch of things which need doing! Stuff like, ohhh… Get the last two…

Quarantine check-in
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Quarantine check-in

My household uses the garage mostly for storage. Some of the electrical equipment that runs our computers is kept in there. When our computers started fizzing out — but only on rainy days — we discovered our roof had leaks. The previous owner apparently had the “Character Disad: Believes he’s a handyman” — since when…

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Proposal committee approval score: 2 out of 3! :)

Another ‘squeeeeeee!‘ moment for me this morning! I opened my email inbox to discover that my second (of three) committee members has approved my proposal — woohooo! Lots of really great suggestions and critiques too, which are both really helpful and a relief to receive — that tells me that my proposed research actually engaged…

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Definitional angst during the dissertation blues

Due to the subject matter of my dissertation and proposal, I’ve had to include a Glossary. Dear heavens, what a headache. Here’s my introduction to the Glossary, with reasoning: Because of the ever-changing nature of the English language, the definitions of words can be slippery to pin down. This issue is compounded when particular words…

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Shut up and blog with me! ;)

This is just going to be various fun/silly things in my life currently — sometimes I need to simply not think about dissertation stuff. So! For a celebratory late Valentine’s with friends, I decided we should have the traditional Valentine’s Day pizza — because Hawaiian pizza is totes what St. Valentine celebrated with, amiright? Also,…

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A Paean to the Librarian

My dissertation proposal research continues apace – sometimes stutteringly slowly, other times with a swiftness and surety which reassures me that I’m on the right path and doing the right thing. I need those moments, believe me! This is one of those moments. I’ve just gotten off the phone with the CIIS librarian who’s also…