
A Short History of Myth, part 3

This darkly pessimistic view on goddesses is most exemplified in Armstrong’s version of the myths of Inanna. I’ve had the pleasure of reading some rather…

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A Short History of Myth, part 2

Blatant and inaccurate double standards As I’ve previously noted, I was not happy with how the second chapter was progressing. To my increasing dismay, things…

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A Short History of Myth, part 1

The first book by Karen Armstrong which I read was A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It was absolutely…

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Spring Break

It is the first day of my Spring Break as I write this — wheeeee! Of course, being the Wild Child I am, I’ll likely…

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Les Guérillères (pt. 3)

In effect, those two verses were where the author wrote Truth as she knew it, and that’s why those verses shone. Unfortunately, since we’ve not…

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Les Guérillères (pt. 2)

Oppression & technology The previously mentioned example is not the only instance of the co-existence of both a lack of, and a distinct awareness of,…

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Les Guérillères (pt. 1)

(“The Warrior Women”) by Monique Wittig translated by David Le Vay (first reviewed April 2005) Wittig’s book, quite frankly, puzzles me — or perhaps it’s…

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Truthseeker (part 2)

I also understand the human psyche or spirit is sometimes baffling in its complexity. I have both read about, and experienced situations, where what seems…

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Truthseeker (part 1)

This will be a quick review, I think. I’ve just finished reading a book by C. E. Murphy titled Truthseeker. On the whole, I enjoyed…

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