I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to write down some of the issues I’m butting my head up against, as I write my…
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Unexpected validation — eeee! ;)
I recently had something startlingly nice happen to me! There’s a professor I had in the past who’s a noted and accomplished author. She’s got…
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I’m published again! It’s a very small thing this time, but once again it came from the heart. In the gorgeously illustrated She Appears! Encounters…
Continue ReadingBeauty of Solitude in Wilderness
There is a sort of beauty found in terrible weather, which I’d forgotten. It’s nice to remember. Because I don’t currently have a backyard, I…
Continue ReadingIn sickness & health…
I don’t usually use trigger warnings in my writing, mostly because I don’t expect that many people read my blog, and those that do have…
Continue ReadingLiterarily denuded! :)
So I’m thinking about books and research, as I’m driving back home from turning in yet another handful of library books, several of which were…
Continue ReadingClearing the decks to write
Finally had a bit of a breakthrough on my dissertation proposal — hallelujah! Working now on getting a dissertation committee Chair, and figuring out all…
Continue ReadingSweet & sour emotions
Being a student on a very tight budget, I am particularly fond of restaurants with cards that give you a free meal after a certain…
Continue ReadingA Paean to the Librarian
My dissertation proposal research continues apace – sometimes stutteringly slowly, other times with a swiftness and surety which reassures me that I’m on the right…
Continue ReadingPoisoning history
There’s an odd and disturbing trend I’ve noticed recently in my preferred form of brain candy; e.g.: smart female protagonists within the genre of urban…
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