Some years ago a friend asked me why I didn’t like pulp — why, in fact, I pretty much loathed it. It gets stuck in…
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Exploring power with rather than power over
In the same year as Ely & Meyerson’s amazing article regarding the malleability of masculinity, Euro-American columnist Nicholas D. Kristof and Asian-American lecturer and business…
Continue ReadingPoetry is Not A Luxury & Mighty Be Our Powers
Closely examining our matrifocal past and present offers a solid basis from which to theorize a possible healthier future — one not damagingly based in…
Continue ReadingFascinatingly more on matrifocal societies
Both Sanday (reviewed by me here and here) and Du are anthropologically trained ethnographers researching indigenous societies. As previously noted, their work offers explicit epistemological…
Continue ReadingRefusing Standard Masculinities
The following was part of a subsection in my comps essay which was titled “Theorizing Patriarchy Past & Present,” which performed said theorizing via a…
Continue ReadingA History for Women and a Feminism for Everyone
…and now back to my comps essay book reviews! :) A more sweeping view of women throughout history, including both their loss of power and…
Continue ReadingThe wonderfully titled: Goddesses, Whores, Wives & Slaves
(repeating from yesterday…) Both historically and in the modern day, patriarchy stunts and diminishes both women and men, and will continue to do so until…
Continue ReadingA review of the comps essay
I’ve come to the conclusion — which I shall not be officially sharing with my school — that the comprehensive essays are inefficient for demonstrating…
Continue ReadingA Thanksgiving blessing
I’ve been thinking about it, and I have so very much to be thankful for this year! I’m truly fortunate to be a successful doctoral…
Continue ReadingWhat is humankind’s “worst discovery” ever? part 1
A common assumption I’ve frequently read is that the “worst discovery” made by humankind was agriculture, in that it taught men (not humans) the concept…
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