This has been a very strange semester so far, and I’m less than a week in. Amongst other things, my Women & World Religions comps…
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“We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For”: a book review, part 3
It was my unwittingly noticing this damaging issue — the fear and/or greed which underlies bigotry and violent interpersonal aggression — which caused my first…
Continue Reading“We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For”: a book review, part 2
The usual choice of US citizens in a foreign country to isolate themselves in the American military compound (which my family chose not to do)…
Continue Reading“We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For”: a book review, part 1
Alice Walker’s 2006 book We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light in A Time of Darkness is a collection of essays…
Continue ReadingTwo fascinating examples of women’s resistance to oppression
An excellent historical example of increasing patriarchal domination of women, and their ensuing resistance, is feminist historian and professor Ulrike Strasser’s “Bones of Contention: Catholic…
Continue ReadingThe pain behind Fire Eyes
Trigger warning: this documentary review covers female genital mutilation. Don’t read further if you are easily squicked, please. ~ * ~ *~ *~ *~ *…
Continue ReadingWisdom worth listening to: Daughters of Mother Earth
Daughters of Mother Earth: The Wisdom of Native American Women, edited by Barbara Alice Mann, offers us a view of ecofeminism rooted in indigenous women’s…
Continue ReadingWomen & World Religions comps booklist
Later edit: This bibliography has been seriously revised and updated due to professorial input. Check out the new version here. There! That’s all the…
Continue ReadingRelational Reality & Tending the Soul’s Garden
Subtly weaving the suggestion to always perform right action — based on the sometimes unrecognized fact of personal relatedness with all life — into one’s…
Continue ReadingReweaving the World
While Merchant never uses the word ecofeminism in her book, a decade later ecofeminist professors Irene Diamond and Gloria Feman Orenstein deliberately embrace it in…
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