The potential and promise of post-patriarchal spirituality is reflected in Starhawk’s 20th anniversary edition of her pivotal, bestselling, and now classic 1979 work, The Spiral…
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Two by Carol Christ & one by Susan Sered
In 1998, ecofeminist thealogian Carol P. Christ’s Rebirth of the Goddess: Finding Meaning in Feminist Spirituality presents a living and embodied, woman-centered thealogy of Goddess…
Continue ReadingWomanspirit Rising; the Bride of Death; & the Sacred Hoop
Written in the same year, Life’s Daughter/Death’s Bride by Kathie Carlson is an elegant example of both remembering and re-membering primarily the mother and daughter…
Continue ReadingEmbodiment through dancing & drumming
Women’s appreciation of embodiment is not new — simply (deliberately?) forgotten in a more androcentric world. As it slowly re-emerges within society as well as…
Continue ReadingTwo books by Rosemary Radford Ruether
Next is American Christian feminist theologian-scholar Rosemary Radford Ruether’s 2005 Goddesses & the Divine Feminine: A Western Religious History. Ruether’s writing is clear and easy…
Continue ReadingFeminism, the Mastery of Nature, & Humane Livestock Handling
I have written previously (though not well) on Australian ecofeminist activist and intellectual Val Plumwood’s 1994 Feminism and the Mastery of Nature. She offers a…
Continue ReadingThree Perspectives on Ecofeminism
In 1993 a book emerges which provocatively probes ecofeminism’s epistemology during its analysis of the historical roots of the oppressive conflation of women with nature.…
Continue ReadingBlood, Bread, & Roses — and Death of Nature
In a brilliantly re-creative intellectual thread, in 1993 feminist lesbian poet Judy Grahn re-members and reclaims the sacrality of women and menstruation in her Blood,…
Continue ReadingAikido & Art as a Spiritual Path & a Beautiful Necessity
The first movements into spiritually inspired re-embodiment which I discovered came (unsurprisingly) from men, and originated outside the United States. Morihei Ueshiba, the now-deceased creator…
Continue ReadingEcofeminism results! & book list
SQUEEEEEEE! Got good news on my Ecofeminism Comprehensive Exam results — woohooo! ;) This is such a relief, too. I know everyone tells me it’s…
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