
Quarantine check-in
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Quarantine check-in

My household uses the garage mostly for storage. Some of the electrical equipment that runs our computers is kept in there. When our computers started fizzing out — but only on rainy days — we discovered our roof had leaks. The previous owner apparently had the “Character Disad: Believes he’s a handyman” — since when…

sea turtle yay!
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Diss chapter wheeeee!

A very wonderful Valentine’s Day to you all! I am celebrating… handing in a chapter! For context: my dissertation has several required chapters — the Introduction and Conclusion, of course. A Literature Review, which is required to show that I’ve done the research on the subject I’m writing on, and nobody’s covered precisely it, though…

Math is easy — it’s writing that’s haaaard! ;)
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Math is easy — it’s writing that’s haaaard! ;)

Writing up interviews is not easy! From an anthropological perspective, there’s always the worry that I’m committing the ethical crime of appropriating someone else’s subaltern culture. Racially I’m white, and I don’t want to even accidentally appear to act like I’m either stealing the words of, or attempting to speak for, any of the minority…

Seasonal gifting & holiday joy! :)
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Seasonal gifting & holiday joy! :)

As the holiday season approaches, I’ve been asked by several folks what I want for Christmas. There are the easy answers, which I suspect I will not receive despite all my dreaming: a white Christmas, rational national leadership, world peace, and all my student loans magically wiped away. :-D When I’m stuck, I’ll often send…

Happy Friendsgiving!
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Happy Friendsgiving!

I love the idea of a day for giving gratitude for friends and family, for one’s warm/fed/dry/whatever circumstances, or even simply because feeling grateful helps one to appreciate life more. Just for fun I cooked for a few years… and then I’d had enough of that! We started celebrating at nice restaurants instead. Good food…

Review: Bristly dog toothbrush

Review: Bristly dog toothbrush

Goldie’s Bristly Dental Set Christmas gift finally arrived a few days ago! Here’s my review. The (slightly crumpled) package I received had three items in it: the big, green, sturdy Bristly itself; a smallish tube of “Bristly pre-biotic toothpaste”; and a triangular blue, umm… thing… which is apparently a tongue cleaner. It has a wide,…

Goldie in new bandanna & ITD certificate!

Bragging on Goldie! Things that make me happy, pt. 3

Later edit: I was notified that some of the video links weren’t working. I think they all are now, but please do notify me if any of them don’t? Yesterday I bragged on Goldie’s Novice Trick Dog title, so today I’d like to share some of her awesome work on her Intermediate and Advanced titles!…

Goldie & her NTD certificate

Bragging on Goldie! Things that make me happy, pt. 2

Later edit: I was notified that some of the video links weren’t working. I think they all are now, but please do notify me if any of them don’t? So there’s this thing called patellar tracking disorder which, if you are a middle-aged or older woman, is apparently something you have to watch out for….

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Review: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Author: Maya Angelou Review first posted April 2004 It took a while to decide to review this book. There is an unfortunately strong current societal meme which says if you are: (less victimized, &/or more financially secure, male, white, privileged, whatever) then you don’t get to comment. I understand it’s a natural reaction to the…