Year of 50 new things

The story of my commemorative celebration of my 50th year — by trying out 50 new things I’d never done before.

What is female beauty?

Lupin Lodge is a surprisingly nice place! I’m typing this au naturel by the pool, after cooling off from the heat of the day. The…

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-EEEEEEEEEE!! I am SO EXCITED my books arrived today! I have now officially published scholarly work, yay! Wheee! This is so nifty! Along with several…

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New Mexico: very weird! part 2

I stumbled across this today while writing down my memories of further proof of New Mexico’s inherent weirdness: Roswell UFO Crash: There Were 2 Crashes,…

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Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’…!

Now I’m safe home, I’m having occasional amusing muscle-memory lapses. Driving my housemates’ cars, for example (both of which are significantly smaller than Dark Star),…

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Arizona: a slightly silly place

New Mexico may be distinctly weird, but Arizona has its own distinct “flavor” as a place with a sly sense of humor. Freshly escaped from…

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Mostly Texas

Texas has somewhat of a bad reputation in the rest of the country. For example, I told some of the folks I know that I’d…

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