Year of 50 new things

The story of my commemorative celebration of my 50th year — by trying out 50 new things I’d never done before.

Who dat? :)

I’m in N’Awlins! It is… an astonishing mix. Dignified antebellum grande dames draped with Mardi Gras beads on their wrought-iron upper balconies sit cheek-by-jowl with…

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More road ramblings

Pausing in a McDonald’s just outside Beaumont, TX on Sunday the 15th; driving progresses well, & I should be safely in Gainesville, FL at the…

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Road ramblings

Went through Winslow, AZ. Alas, no flatbed Fords, let alone girls, my lord… slowing down to take a look at me. Then again, I’d really…

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Caving & ruminations on complexity

Writing this just after finishing the cavern tour in Sonora. Carlsbad’s caverns are much larger, of course, and the rock formations are more… clustered by…

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Lazy musings on power

Friday the 13th has always been a lucky day for me, oddly enough. I got my first horse on Friday the 13th, and 13 was…

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Beyond grandeur

Woohooo! I have not only scored a drop-in campsite at the Grand Canyon, but I have also showered and laundered! No worries, I shall modestly…

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Mountainous metaphysics

I am become a connoisseur of mountains. ;) Most California mountains are sneaky. They slide under the roads and hillsides, laughing foggy breaths in the…

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Mud & philosophy

Writing this on the night of the 8th, from a wonderful little hole-in-the-wall pizza & brews place called Hot Mama’s! I’m muddy, exhausted, starving, and…

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