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Wisdom Sits in Places (II of III)

Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language Among the Western Apache A sense of history is given by the Apache location stories. The stories relate the past, but are usually told in the present tense. Quotations are frequently used, to invoke a sense of current presence, and the language is concise and avoids redundancy. The…

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Wisdom Sits in Places (I of III)

This is the first paper I handed in for my “Language and Culture” class. I found it an interesting window on what the professor expected. I was really worried about it, before handing it in, for several reasons. Firstly, I had no real idea of what the professor expected in a good paper. Secondly, it…

Spring cleaning

I’m in the process of reviewing and renewing my blog, which means there are some things which aren’t working yet. Bear with me, please, as hopefully soon this will be a much nicer and easier blog to read and comment on. Cheers! :)

High School Reunion: Y/N?

The other day I received a reunion flyer for my old high school, Plano Senior High in Texas. I’ve just created a Facebook account to see if I could track down any of the folks I knew then. We had a huge graduating class — over 1000 — so I guessed there’d be at least…


It… liiiiiiiiives!!

Well, halle-flippin’-luiah. Quarter’s over, papers sent in, only thing left is an art project which I’ll finish tomorrow, and I’m still standing — mostly. ;-) My brain is finally starting to fizzle down and notice all the things that need doing, that I’ve been putting off to focus completely on paper writing: personal and business…

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How do you live your spirituality?

I’m in a master’s program for Women’s Spirituality at ITP (www.itp.edu) in Palo Alto. A lot of fascinating questions are coming up for me as I take the courses, and I’ll try to put them up here on line for discussion as they occur to me. A particularly poignant question which hit me this weekend…

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Love: have we learned anything? A ten year comparison (I of II)

Credits: For love, compassion — and the music. Let’s all hold out for more, and better! ;) Originally posted (tongue firmly in cheek!) on February 2005 Last February (it being the traditional month of romantic entanglements) I got a great deal of enjoyment writing a Firestarter titled, “What is Love?” This February I decided to…

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Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, & Popular Literature

In her book Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature, Janice A. Radway explores the apparent fascination of romantic fiction to many women, and examines the needs this literary genre fulfills for its readers. Our required reading was the Introduction and the first four chapters. The Introduction contains a more up-to-date critique of the…